Epping Forest Pistol Club
Our name, Epping Forest Pistol Club, is historic and dates back to the days when we were permitted to shoot handguns. Sadly, this is no longer the case, but we retain the name.

Tyro Rating
Before becoming a full member you will be required to attain a Tyro Rating. Once achieved this will also allow you to shoot the clubs Full Bore Rifles.
Rules for attaining the Tyro Rating
Take three white targets marked EPPING FOREST PISTOL CLUB.
Ask the Range Officer to witness all three.
Put your name on all three.
The targets must be shot one at a time at 25 metres.
All shots must be in the black. IE 10 down to the 7 ring. If one or more shots fall
outside this area all three targets must be discarded and you start again at 1. -
You can only use a 22 semi automatic.
Each target should have 10 shots. [30 in total].
Shoot from a standing position only.
No sitting or leaning while shooting the Tyro.
When you have successfully shot your Tyro take the three targets and your
attendance sheet to the Club Instructor, Pistol Captain or Chairman who will sign and
date them. The attendance sheet should be retained as it will be required by the
membership secretary.
"Shooting is a safe sport – let’s keep it safe"