Epping Forest Pistol Club
Our name, Epping Forest Pistol Club, is historic and dates back to the days when we were permitted to shoot handguns. Sadly, this is no longer the case, but we retain the name.

The personal data that we have on file is that which you supplied on your original application form, i.e. name, address, telephone number/s, date of birth, occupation and FAC number, and any amendments of address etc. that you have since notified. Additionally, there is the information that you have on your range attendance card.
How we store your personal data
Your personal data is stored in a secure safe. This applies to both your membership file and your range attendance card.
How we use your personal data
We use your personal data (email or postal address in the absence of email) to contact you with Club notices and information.
As a Limited Company we are required to maintain a Register of Members, each full member of the Club being a shareholder (with a liability limited to £1). This Register shows your name and address, together with the date on which you joined the Club, and will also record the date on which you leave, should you decide to do so at some future date. Our Articles of Association state that we must keep your data on file for ten years after the date on which you leave. Thereafter, any electronic data will be deleted and paper records will be destroyed. The Register of Members is kept securely at our Registered Office and is available for inspection.
We have to supply the Police with your data (name and address) in our Annual Police Return. The Police require that we keep your data on file for at least six years after you leave the Club.
If you are a Full Bore Shooter, we have to supply your name and date of birth annually to the NRA.
At present, we do not have to supply your personal data to any other undertaking. Should such an occasion arise, we will contact you to obtain your prior consent to do so.
How to change your personal data
If your home address, telephone number/s or email address changes, you should notify the Club Membership Secretary by emailing: Subscriptions@efpc.org.uk, by post to The Membership Secretary, EFPC Ltd., c/o Operations Office, North Weald Airfield, Merlin Way, North Weald CM16 6HR , by completing the web form here, or by leaving a note at the Range.
How we contact you
We will continue to contact you in the same way (post or email) unless you request otherwise.